
At Jubilee many of us have been using a devotional book centered on believing and speaking the things that are true of us in Christ. Today I began to think about, “What are, to me, the most important things I confess?” I came up with a small list, but at the top of my list are two realities that mean everything to me: “Jesus is Lord” and “Abba Father”. I want to look at “Jesus is Lord” today and what that means to me. On another day I will send out a message on “Abba Father”.

The Bible tells us that the Father raised Jesus from the dead and made him, as a man, Lord over everything because Jesus:

… humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore also God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the Name which is above every name. Philippians 2:8,9

When we say, “Jesus is Lord!” we are saying that he is the spotless Lamb of God who loved us and in obedience to the Father gave his life for us. He is the righteous One, raised from the dead and seated as Lord of all. He is worthy to receive my love, my worship and my extreme faith.

When we hear and believe what the word of God reveals about the sufferings and subsequent exaltation of Jesus, our spiritual eyes are enlightened to “see” his glory and we are enabled to come before him on his throne and interact with him. That is faith. Let the word of God give to your inner man the revelation of Jesus:

We do see him who has been made for a little while lower than the angels, namely Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that he might taste death for everyone. Hebrews 2:9

When we say, “Jesus is Lord!” we are saying that under his authority Satan’s power is broken and we are loved and free. In his name we now have authority over the deceiver and tormenter. Many years ago when my mother was in an advanced stage of Lyme disease, she received the revelation that the root of her problem was the affliction of the enemy. She shouted out, “Satan, I am under the authority of Jesus Christ. Leave me now!” Immediately all the symptoms of the disease left her and have never returned.

When we say, “Jesus is Lord!” we are saying that we have prayed and committed something to him, and now our confession concerning that situation is, “I will not fear, I will not doubt, for Jesus is Lord over the thing I have committed to him and the kingdom of God is now working there. ”

He (the Father) put all things in subjection under his (Christ’s) feet, and gave him (Christ) as head over all things to the church, which is his body. Ephesians 2:22,23

The Lord Jesus is the Father’s love gift to us. The Father has given Christ “as head over all things” to the church. His life and authority have been given to us. The very vision of him is life giving, so we continually look and partake. See him as your life. See him as your Lord. See him as Lord over all things.

Jesus is Lord!